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15 Ways to Crush Self-Doubt at Work

From journaling to jars of hearts, here’s how to make sure self-doubt doesn’t become your own worst enemy

15 Ways to Crush Self-Doubt at Work

Out of more than 2,700 women we polled in our InHerSight network, 66 percent experience self-doubt, or a lack of confidence, at least a few times a month at work. Oof.

We’ve all experienced self-doubt at some point in our lives, and it’s a hard feeling to shake off. It’s even more distressing at work that unwelcome and persuasive voice inside of us tells us we're somehow not good enough, and our work can begin to suffer.

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But when those feeling of self-doubt begin to creep in, it’s important to remember that you were hired for a reason—you’re qualified to do the work you were hired to do. You can do this—you're enough.

We wanted to hear the best tips and tricks for overcoming self-doubt, so we asked our amazing network of women.

Here’s their advice, in their own words:

1. “I remind myself that I know exactly what I’m doing and that I have the experience necessary to do my job as best as anyone else can.”

2. “I reflect on the goals that I set for myself and those that were accomplished, and that helps put the bigger picture back into perspective.”

3. “Focusing on mindfulness and staying open minded to new opportunities to learn. Identify when I need to ask for help.”

4. “I remind myself that everyone is still learning, and in many cases, they are as nervous as I am.”

5. “Keep pushing through. It’s just a bad moment, and it does not define you or your work. Take a walk or a couple deep breaths to clear your mind and start again.”

6. “I remind myself that I can only control my own actions and reactions.”

7. “When overwhelmed, I remind myself of all the obstacles I've cleared to get where I am. It reminds me of how fierce of a contender I am.”

8. “Write down everything positive in your life at this moment. Don't try to figure out the solutions to every problem.”

9. “I typically figure out a game plan and find the source of what’s making me doubtful. Then, I make myself conscious that I am my own worst critic, and the doubt usually subsides.”

10. “Whenever I hit a wall, I always go back to my four Rs: reflect, regroup, refocus, and relax. Essentially, I allow myself time to understand why I’m feeling the way I am, then (I can) work out a plan to get back on track.”

Read more:4 Signs Your Work-Life Balance Isn't Really Working for You

11. “I recite self affirmations, I have a jar of hearts with encouraging quotes on them as well. Keeping myself centered is a huge thing, making sure I’m taking breaks to myself.”

12. “Getting outside perspective from coworkers and friends and having a support system at home.”

13. “ I ask my supervisor or mentor how I could have handled the situation or problem differently so in the future I don't feel doubtful. When it arrives, I am prepared with a solution.”

14. “The simple key is to know your worth and strive to improve any known weaknesses. If there is something that you doubt about yourself, it is simply an opportunity to improve! The secret is to constantly find ways to improve yourself until there is no room for self-doubt.”

15. “ I turn towards personal development books or podcasts and research areas or topics I am unfamiliar in to bring up my confidence.”

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