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16 Apps & Websites for Ambient Noise (and Why You Should Listen)

Get your focus on, girl

Woman listening to ambient noise on her headphones
Photo courtesy of Christina Morillo

We all have our preferred methods of concentrating on work. Coffee? Check. Listening to power anthems? Check. And as it turns out, there’s actually a scientific benefit to listening to noise while working, especially ambient noise. According to science, listening to ambient noise can improve your focus and productivity: Scientists have found that low levels of ambient noise can help increase our creativity levels, and even make us happier. Cue me listening to waves crashing on the beach while I get my work grind on.

16 apps and websites for ambient noise


This app offers soundscapes for a multitude of different mental states. Whether you want to relax, focus, meditate, nap, or sleep at night, there’s a perfect ambient noise waiting for you.

2. Lo fi hip hop radio

This is a favorite in the InHerSight office. This Youtube radio station is a 24-hour live feed of focus-inducing chillhop music. Pretty much anything by ChilledCow will get you in the work or study zone. There’s even a station of beats to sleep to.

3. August Ambience

Use this website to feel those summer vibes no matter the time of year. You’ll hear all the summer night sounds, like ocean waves crashing and crickets chirping.

Read more:How to Be More Productive, 25 Minutes at a Time

4. Coffitivity

Sitting in coffee shops is a super popular way to work nowadays. On days where you can’t actually make it to a physical cafe, Coffitivity will provide sounds you might hear in a coffeehouse like cups clinking or people quietly talking.

5. myNoise

The myNoise app creates natural soundscapes, voices, tonal drones, industrial sounds, and more. The coolest part? It has a noise color mixer that lets you generate your own soundscape.

6. Hipstersound

You can transport your working environment to a bustling Paris cafe with this website. Wish you were outdoors? No problem, just select “street corner cafe” or “windy terrace.”

7. White Noise

Over 40 different sounds are included in this app that’ll help you concentrate or even help relieve a migraine.

Read more:26 Time Management Tips for Finding More Time in Your Day

8. Naturespace

This dreamy app focuses on natural tracks from the great outdoors. Work while you listen to fun tracks like “Night at Lake Unknown” and “Riverwind Dreaming.”

9. Noisli

With this app, you can become your own ambient noise DJ. You can combine 16 different sounds including thunder, a crackling fireplace, and rain to create your perfect background track.

10. Snowy Mood

This is definitely a niche ambient noise website for those of us who absolutely love the sound of crunching snow. You’ll hear the sound of boots stepping on snow on a loop for hours.

11. Showertime

That’s right, this website allows you to take a virtual shower. Choose the strength of your shower stream, how loud you want the running water, and put on background radio sounds.

Read more:How to Get on the Level of Deep Work

12. Rainy Mood

This app is exactly what it sounds like—a recording of a thunderstorm that plays on a loop. If you love to get cozy and work through pouring rain and loud thunderbolts, this is the app for you.

13. Soundrown

On this website you can choose your ambient background noise from options like fire, rain, waves, birds, and coffee shop.

14. Blazing Logs

You’ll want to snuggle up under a blanket next to this cozy virtual fireplace. Grab your cup of coffee, your comfiest sweatpants, and get to work.

Read more:12 Scientifically Proven Ways to Unwind After Work

15. Mood Turn

Get focused with some very unique ambient noise like sounds from the swamp or dolphins squeaking. To each their own.

16. Purrli

The internet does not disappoint, y’all, and we saved the best for last. This website mimics the sounds of purring cats, and you can even choose the volume and type of cat purring.

Read more:How to Stop Procrastinating. Now.

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