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  1. Blog
  2. Partners in Diversity
  3. August 12, 2024

7 Reasons Employees Need Pets (& Why Pets Deserve Treats)

Did a dog write this?

Olive the dog
Photo by InHerSight

This article is part of InHerSight's Partners in Diversity series. Discover companies partnering with InHerSight to better support women in the workplace.

Olive needs to go for a walk before work and at lunchtime.

Olive needs a play break in the afternoon.

Olive needs to climb into my chair during virtual calls so everyone can tell her how cute she is.

Every day for the past four years, my “pandemic puppy,” Olive (pictured above), has added a certain predictability to my workdays. We get up, we walk. I work, she supervises. It’s companionship, but it’s also consistency—a consistency I’ve come to rely on as I’ve navigated the switch from in-office to remote work, the many upheavals of the pandemic, and my own life stresses. No matter what’s happening, this furry coworker always needs her routine, and mentally and physically, I reap the benefits of stepping away from my desk, going outside, and moving my body. 

Stats about pets and the workplace affirm what I know from experience. According to one survey, pet parents say having dogs at work boosts happiness (58 percent), relieves anxiety or stress (57 percent), encourages healthy breaks (55 percent) and supports more social interaction (52 percent).

Then there are the other anecdotes, the qualitative data from fellow pet owners that underlines the impact a pet can have on our wellbeing in the workplace—and why everyone (barring allergies, of course) should have one. 

Here are seven reasons, according to animal lovers, why having pets elevates the work we do. 

7 reasons employees need pets, and pets deserve all the treats in the world (treat count included)

1. Pets help us remember to take breaks

“Having a pet helps me stay true to having a work-life balance. She reminds me that it's okay to take a brain break and get outside for some fresh air, go for a walk, or throw the ball around (her favorite hobby)!” says Alyssa Bagnoli, talent attraction partner at Smile Brands, of her dog Taylor.

“Being primarily home-based with occasional travel, having a pet at home is wonderful. Not only do I have a constant companion by my side, but my pet can also sense when I’m stressed, and petting her provides therapeutic relief. Additionally, having her around reminds me to take regular breaks. She needs to go out every couple of hours, which gives me the perfect opportunity to walk around the block, grab a bite to eat, or refill my water. My days would not be the same without her,” says Carie Godfrey, key account director at Boats Group, of her dog Kallie Mae.

“Finn helps me to stay alert, focused, and more productive. He sleeps next to me while I work and will begin to beg for a treat after I have been sitting at my desk for too many hours. His persistence forces me to get up to let him outside and give him a treat. (Well, if I am honest, more like two or three). I find that the short break clears my head and gives me a boost of energy. I have learned that walking away from the computer is necessary for the mind and body,” says Denise Picarelli, senior director of human resources at Two Six Technologies

“Saoirse is just 3.5 months old, so she sleeps a lot. The office distractions mainly come when it's time for her potty breaks and short play sessions. These breaks are beneficial for me too, as they give me a chance to take a breather and rest my eyes from the computer screen,” says Kim Ryan of Seven Seas Water Group

Treats earned for reminding us to take breaks: 4, one for each pup mentioned here.

2. Pets help our stresses melt away 

“Teddy has served as a therapy companion for me! His affection, comfort and support throughout the day have done wonders for my stress management and anxiety. He loves hugs and cuddles and is really like my own live teddy bear,” says Charlene Davies, a senior account executive at Clever.

“I adopted Bear about six months after starting at VTS three years ago. I can truly say he is much more than a pet; he's my best buddy. Luckily, VTS has great leaders that value our mental health by encouraging us to prioritize our wellbeing over anything else, but everyone has hard days here and there. Having Bear with me during a stressful day relieves so much anxiety, and coming home after the office to go on a long walk makes me forget about all the stress I may have been feeling that day,” says Jules Robinson, manager of integrations at VTS

“Having a service animal for PTSD like Liberty around has greatly decreased my stress levels and overall wellbeing. I wasn't in a great headspace before I got Liberty. He's allowed me to regain confidence and freedom where I was worried and hypervigilant about everything before. I likely wouldn't be where I am in my career without him,” says Reid Clark, automation engineer at Nugget

“Oscar is truly such a little love but sometimes he has days where he demands much more attention than I can give while I am trying to work. Other days, he's sitting beside me as I work, providing a calm energy in the room. For that, I am grateful.” says Caroline Fornuto, client success manager at Reward Gateway

Treats earned making us less stressed and getting us to walk away from our computers: 8, again one for each pup.

3. Pets bring us joy. Everyone needs joy!

“Scrappy is my official work-from-home buddy, and although he doesn't do much work, he is always on stand-by for a quick snuggle, midday walk, or Zoom cameo. He keeps me calm and adds comedy to my workday with his daily antics. He's simply the best!” says Chelsea Shearer, AR Analyst at Procore Technologies.

“Lucia is a natural stress-reliever. Her gentle presence and unwavering loyalty provide comfort during hectic workdays. Whether it’s a nuzzle or a soulful gaze, Lucia reminds me to pause, breathe, and appreciate life’s simple joys,” says Monique Di Liberto, client partner at Infosys.

Treats earned so far: 16. Just feels right, given everything.

4. Pets help us turn off our work brains at the end of the day

“Natasha loves to walk. Before work we get in a nice walk to start the day.  When working from home, she ensures I take a break at noon and get in another walk. Getting up from my desk, moving around and taking in some fresh air really helps me recharge for the afternoon. She also requires (gets a little bossy) dinner at 5 p.m. When working from home, it really helps me bring my day to an end—if even for just an hour or so.” Tonia Patt, VP of People at Two Six Technologies.

“I've definitely noticed changes in my stress levels and overall wellbeing at work. Having them around has been incredibly comforting, and their presence has helped me unwind after a long day. They provide a great sense of companionship and joy, which translates to a more positive and relaxed mindset both at home and at work. After a particularly stressful day at work, coming home to see Snoop and Simba eagerly waiting at the door to greet me makes all the stress melt away,” says Michael Siegel, assistant director of bus and rail training at Pittsburg Regional Transit

Treats earned bringing us joy (et al): 35. I mean, did you see that face?

5. Pets make us feel better all-around 

“Having dogs has enhanced my overall wellbeing. They provide companionship and a sense of routine, reducing feelings of stress. Taking regular play breaks with my dogs offers a refreshing mental pause and encourages physical activity, similar to the benefits of walking to the water cooler in a traditional office setting. The joy that comes from playing with my Golden Nuggets boosts my mood and productivity, resulting in making work more enjoyable. This all contributes to a better work-life balance,” says Karen Munroe, senior client executive at Gradient AI, of her dogs Boo (left) and Jenny. 

Treats earned so far: 50. Idk, the costumes added something extra. 

6. Pets make us more productive... even with the interruptions

"There has been one singular bad thing about having two dogs as coworkers: the interruptions that they create on calls whenever someone comes to my door. As my office is right beside the front door, unfortunately there's not much to be done when the barking ensues besides shamefully blush, wait for the moment to pass, and hope that whoever I'm on a call with is a dog person. Beyond that, Nellie and Luna support my productivity in every way and are fantastic coworkers," says Grace Ward, customer success manager at InHerSight

Treats earned so far: 87. Good coworkers + nannying + babies + everything else we've already mentioned.

7. Pets contribute to a positive company culture 

“Procore's pet-friendly HQ and subsidized pet insurance are just a few of the many fantastic perks we enjoy! Bringing Gus into the office is a win-win for us both—he enjoys endless pets and treats from coworkers, and I get to work without him headbutting my hand for attention,” says Kiersten Albert, brand advocacy strategist at Procore Technologies

“VTS and the Oxford managed property (thankfully) welcomes pets. There are water/food bowls, a bed and treats at the office. Most pet owners are very conscientious of their dog's ability to be in an office setting, so they'll book a room or sit in a more remote area. We also have a slack channel where we let people know which pet's coming in. Overall, we've found that having pets at the office is a good distraction and gets us away from our desk to socialize, de-stress and recharge!” says Frieda Lauw, TenEx advisor at VTS and pet parent to Zuma.

Total treat count: 115 probably. These dogs deserve a raise. 

It’s clear from these anecdotes that pets are best! Now I better run. I’m overdue for giving Olive 24 kisses and telling her she looks like a baby seal. Adopt an office pet today!

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