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  1. Blog
  2. Working Mom
  3. May 10, 2024

30+ Quotes from Working Moms Who Get It

“It is hard to be a good, present parent if you aren't your best self.”

Working mom with her child
Photo courtesy of Best Egg

This article is part of InHerSight's Employer Partners series. Discover companies partnering with InHerSight to better support women in the workplace.

Being a working mom is hard. Balancing office deadlines with carpools and bedtime stories, parents try to squeeze more time out of the day while also maintaining their sense of self and their sanity. It’s a huge task, and its undertaking is worth celebrating. 

For Mother’s Day, we gathered insights from more than 30 working moms who know what it’s like to try to do it all. Whether you’re a new mom navigating the complexities of returning to work or a seasoned pro seeking fresh inspiration, dive into the collective wisdom of these remarkable women as they share their advice on thriving at work and at home. 

Popular among their words of wisdom? Negotiating flexible schedules, discovering self-care rituals, and lowering the bar.

30+ quotes from working moms who get it

“Be communicative about your work-life schedule, balance, and boundaries, so others around you understand your situation and can ensure you're properly looped in and considered. Ensure you're transparent so you don't miss out on important meetings, and so people don't assume you're disengaged. They know you have little ones (or in my case, one very tall one)!” —Tabitha Akaktan, Senior HR Business Partner, Markforged

“Speak up when you need to arrange for flexibility to look after your family.” —Pamela Beate, Product Manager, Taulia

“Achieving both a successful career and a fulfilling family life is achievable with proper planning, efficient time management, and a strong partnership with your manager.” —Ashley Brodzinski, Director Product Management, Bandwidth

“Find a company that values family and work-life balance. Being a working mom can be challenging yet rewarding at the same time. Set boundaries, realistic goals, and give yourself grace. Family comes first but remember to also take care of yourself too!” —Stephanie Cardenas, Senior Payroll & Benefits Specialist, Milhouse Engineering & Construction

“It is important to prioritize and manage your time effectively. Make a schedule that works for both you and your children, and try to stick to it as closely as possible. It can also be helpful to delegate tasks and responsibilities to avoid becoming overwhelmed. Be sure to openly communicate with your employer as well as keeping open communication at home to help with work-related stress or time constraints.” —Heather Cheek, SVP HR, Seven Seas Water Group

“Many of the principles we readily apply to our work can translate well to our personal lives. Trying to have it all, all at the same time, is likely not a healthy expectation for yourself! Just like you would in your work, you can declare your broader life’s priorities and exert effort on your biggest ones to craft the life you want. Be kind to yourself on the journey!” —Patricia Chou, Principal Market Research Manager, Intuit

“Finding the right balance between work and family is an ongoing process, and it's okay to adjust and adapt as needed. Prioritize what matters most to you and your family, and don't forget to create memories along the way.” —Lorena Delfin, Employee Wellness Supervisor, Watkins Wellness

“Intuit’s culture of collaboration and teamwork fosters a supportive environment, where colleagues are always willing to lend a helping hand, making it easier to navigate the challenges of working parenthood. I would advise any working parent to just have the courage to have conversations with your leaders, so that you can continue to live Intuit’s values and still be a present and active parent in your families’ lives.”  —Alishia Dorris, Executive Business Partner to Adam Meister, SVP of Finance, Intuit

“Give yourself grace. No one gets it right perfectly!” —Amy Duncan Menendez, Vice President, Talent Acquisition & Innovation Center, Delaware North

“Balancing a career and a family as a working mom is an ongoing journey, filled with its own set of challenges and rewards. Set clear priorities, seek support, and prioritize self-care.” —Tiffany Francis, Vice President, Talent Acquisition, Palm Tree

“My advice for working parents is to really take the time to plan a good and healthy work-life balance for your family. Good organizational skills will go a long way. Sincerely consider your family dynamic and what’s best for what you all need. Ask yourself, ‘What will work best for us in the present & future?’” —Leah Gaines Morris, Secretary (Ross Garage), Pittsburgh Regional Transit

“One of the most beneficial strategies I adopted upon becoming a working parent was crafting a well-structured schedule and committing to being fully present. This approach ensured I could efficiently manage both my professional duties and my family commitments, fostering a harmonious balance between work and personal life.” —Katarina Gibson, Talent Acquisition Manager, Delaware North

“Be gracious and loving to yourself and your family. The world is already harsh enough—no need to bring that home. Be each other's biggest cheerleaders. Learn from your children, and they will learn from you. No one is above anyone—your child's needs are just as important as an adult's—especially since children lack perspective for a while. You're a team! Shelter your family from the bad, but be real with them.” —Diana H., Contract Specialist, National Security Agency (NSA)

“My team continues to support and truly care about my family through the most challenging and joyous times. I believe creating a healthy work-life balance starts with the individual. Communicating and setting expectations of your needs and boundaries are critical to giving your best in both worlds. It's not something that comes easy at first but always worth the investment.” —Desiree Hunter, Senior Product Manager, YETI

“Don't ever let anything come between you and your family! There are places like RS all over the place that make sure to make you and your family top priority.” —Krystle Jackson, Administrative Assistant, RS Americas

“Be sure to make time for your kids. Working parents often feel guilty about not spending enough time with their kids. Make sure you carve out quality time with your children each day, even if it's just a few minutes of playing a game, reading a book together, or just walking up and down the driveway asking them about their day!” —Alyssa Kennedy, Executive Assistant Business Partner II, Intuit Mailchimp

“If you haven’t heard it recently, being a working parent is hard. You’re not doing it wrong. I have a 3 year old and a 5 year old. Some mornings, I feel like I’ve lived an entire lifetime before arriving at the office. It’s okay to eat frozen meals or leave toys strewn around the living room at the end of the day. It's okay to ask a teammate to take a meeting you don't have bandwidth for. It's okay to not do it all.” —Cassie L., Staff Officer, Engagement and Policy Directorate, National Security Agency (NSA)

“Managing the balance between work and family can be difficult. It's valuable to keep lines of communication open with managers, because regular transparent and honest conversations drive solutions and keep expectations clear. A strong support system is also important. Whether it’s family, friends, or coworkers, having others to talk with who can offer insights makes it possible to achieve a rewarding work and family life.” —Lori Lamb, Sr. Manager Global Accounts Payable, Bandwidth

“Be a parent; first and foremost, our kids are only young once and will learn by watching us! Take time in your day to pay attention to the little things and celebrate successes along the way!” —Heidi Limburg, Regional Manager, Mill Creek Residential Trust

“The biggest piece of advice I would give to other working parents (especially new ones) is to give yourself grace. It takes some time to get back into the swing of things and to balance your new life. Don’t sweat the small stuff. It all works out in the end.” —Lauren Lucas, Manager of Social Strategy, Delaware North

“I cannot tell you how many times I have sat up all night with her while she is sick and then come into work the next day completely exhausted but knowing that I still have work to do. As mothers we are under so much pressure to be everything to everyone. Find time to make memories with your child.” —Anna Marie McKibben, Manager of Contract Administration, Bus and Rail, Pittsburgh Regional Transit

“Balance and being present are so important. Sometimes it may be necessary to get work done in your personal time, but if you consistently choose work over being present for your child, it will catch up to you eventually. Protect your time using time blocking where needed during the day to get things done. It's equally important in your off hours as well. Kids grow up fast and you won't get that time back.” —Michele Mooney, VP of Marketing, Taulia

“Having kids reshaped my life. As they grow, my priorities shift. Career goals, child's age, childcare, and a partner's job flexibility all matter. Revisit priorities regularly, align them with your values, and pursue a career that fits.” —Laura Morrison, Senior Product Manager, Markforged

“Being a working parent feels hard because it is hard. You have multiple priorities, and it's a perpetual juggling act. Give yourself grace, be honest with yourself about your priorities, and find people who are supportive of your growth and development, both as a parent and in your career.” —Cori Myles-Matovsky, Content Marketing Lead, Dropbox

“It's okay to say no when you need to. Remember not to be too hard on yourself. Balancing parenthood and a full-time job is challenging, and it's okay to stumble along the way. We're all different, so finding the right balance is a personal journey. Just keep exploring what works for you and embrace it, even if it means making mistakes along the way.” —Natalie Nicholas, Partner Sales Manager Nordic, Dropbox

“Try to figure out how to navigate challenges in work and personal life. Being a working parent can be really hard! Don’t feel like you have to do it all. There will be many opportunities throughout the year for you, so don’t beat yourself up. It is hard to be a good, present parent if you aren't your best self.” —Nicole Paulk, Center Director, KinderCare Learning Centers, KinderCare Learning Companies

“Balance looks different for everyone, and it looks different for me day-to-day and week-to-week. Certain weeks are skewed more to work, and other weeks are skewed more to family. Sometimes it feels like I am failing at one or more roles of executive, mom, wife, daughter, and friend. And that’s okay—you’ve got to give yourself a lot of grace and try to surround yourself with people who will support you.” —Mary Leigh Phillips, CEO, DriveTime, Bridgecrest, and SilverRock Brand Family

“Be kind to yourself. It can be very difficult to balance work and home life priorities. You're probably doing a much better job than you give yourself credit for.” —Kirsten Roesch, Sr Manager, Content and Social Media, Watkins Wellness

“Ask. If there's something that would make work work better for you, ask. Ask your manager, ask HR, ask Google, ask your parent friends or a parent group on social media like Moms at Work. People have been through this before, and there are often more supports and adjustments than you realize.” —Ellery Rosin, Director, People, Equity, and Culture, Equality Fund

“My advice to working parents is to find your village and know that your village can and should include your workplace.” —Nayeli Samaniego, Area Manager, Champions, KinderCare Learning Companies

“Don’t compare yourself to other people's highlight reels. In the world of parenting, the only comparison you should be doing is to yourself. Only compete against who you were yesterday focusing on what you can learn and how you serve others. Forgive yourself as long as you are moving on an upward path. Also, self-care is not selfish. Taking care of yourself is key. No one benefits when you pour from an empty cup.” —Nicole Scheffler, Director, Solutions Management, Palo Alto Networks

“Establish boundaries. Block your calendar for things like the bus stop or doctor appointments. Have open dialogue with your manager about the level of participation you'd like to have as a parent while your children are in school. Be transparent and honest about your needs. If they are parents themselves, they'll empathize. And if they aren't, you'll provide a learning opportunity for them as managers.” —Natalie Shawver, Head of Content Marketing, InfoTrust

“The advice I would provide is to find a company that truly embodies work-life balance because it is crucial for working parents. Never hesitate to communicate openly about your situation and needs to your employer. Being upfront allows you to find solutions together that support your professional commitments and your responsibilities as a parent. It’s all about finding the right balance!” —Bethany Spratley, Talent Acquisition Project Manager, Sunbelt Rentals

“Be kind to yourself, recognize that it's okay to not have everything perfectly balanced all the time. Parenting and work are both demanding roles, and it's normal to experience moments of struggle. Communication with your leadership is key. Set boundaries to keep things separated, seek flexibility, build support networks, and prioritize self-care.” —Diana Telford, Training and Development Supervisor, RS Americas

"Lower expectations! We sometimes get frustrated that we’re not getting enough done and that we’re not completing everything from our lengthy to-do lists. I try to remind myself every now and then to focus on what really matters. Sometimes it’s hard to let go of our expectations and a vision of perfection. Embrace the messiness, the adversity, the hardship." —Hana Tenkl, Sr. Project Implementation Consultant, Hyperproof

“As a working mom, it is important to find a company that supports you as a parent. Look for a company that provides flexibility, support, and inclusion. It is normal to feel frightened when returning to work after becoming a new mother. However, with the right support from your team and leaders, it can be a rewarding and thrilling experience.” —Jasmin Valadez, Warranty Services Manager, Watkins Wellness

“My advice for working parents is to prioritize self-care. Maintaining a healthy work-life balance starts with taking care of yourself.” —Kelsey Yansky, Area Manager, Champions, KinderCare Learning Companies

“Don’t be so hard on yourself—parenting is difficult, and today is different than when we grew up. Take things in stride—your child is unlikely to become a professional XYZ so only do activities your child enjoys. Lean on parent friends. Empower and teach independence, allowing kids to choose and do age-appropriate things not only eases your responsibilities but also teaches them to make good choices in the future.” —Carol Ying, VP, Sales Operations, VTS

“Don't be afraid to ask for what you need as a parent. Many people in leadership have the same challenges! I have found that setting the stage early helps; be clear in what you are asking and why. It is okay to prioritize your family!” —Jennifer Zuck, Senior Director, Product Management, Best Egg

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