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WaferGen Employee Reviews & Ratings

Employee Ratings

Scores for WaferGen are based on 14 ratings from an undisclosed number of employees

Highest-rated categories

Sponsorship or Mentorship Program

4.0 stars

Official mentorship program, women-focused initiatives or affiliate groups

Learning Opportunities

3.0 stars

On and off-site skills training, speaker series, conferences, etc

Ability to Telecommute

3.0 stars

Flexibility to work remotely


InHerSight Score

WaferGen Reviews

No Comments

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WaferGen is a biotechnology company headquartered in the Fremont, CA area with 51 to 200 employees. WaferGen has a 2.3-star InHerSight Score, based on 14 ratings from an undisclosed number of employees. InHerSight collects anonymous employer reviews and ratings from women for companies like WaferGen and shares that information publicly to empower working women to make better decisions about their careers and where they work.