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${ contributor.full_name }

${ contributor.short_bio }

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  1. Blog
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Climbing the ladder, are you? Check out these tips, tricks, and guides to helping women advance in their careers.


How To Ask Your Professor for a Letter of Recommendation

And how to make sure it’s not a lukewarm recommendation


Why I Quit a Job for *the* Job

It's not about passion—it's about happiness

Women to Know

You Don’t Have to Succeed in Your 20s. These Women Didn’t.

11 women who make mid- and late-career success look damn good


The Kinds of Questions You Should Ask in a Second Interview

You’re definitely in the running for the job, but your questions could make or break your chances


The Great MBA Debate: There's No Alternative (Or Is There?)

We crack open the great MBA debate with the experts who have them—and the experts who don’t

Culture & Professionalism

Why (and How) I Stopped Apologizing at Work

Let's workshop that email together


10 Job Application Email Templates for Every Scenario

Plus, five easy steps for penning the perfect message

Career Development

The Best Way to Quit a Job You Hate

Getting out intact


7 Upcoming Women’s Conferences to Level-Up Your Career

Build your community of working women and get inspired


Let's Talk About Age Discrimination in 'Younger'

The TV show sheds light on a larger cultural problem

Career Development

Nothing To Do at Work? Try These 11 Ways to Stay Productive

With great boredom comes great responsibility

Career Development

How To Write a Resignation Letter (Without Burning Every Bridge in Town)

Plus, the five essential elements

Culture & Professionalism

When Your New Job Is Nothing Like You Expected

How soon is too soon to leave a job you hate?

Career Development

How I Harnessed the Power of My Vulnerability

Office culture meets industry culture meets you

Career Development

7 Cool Things You Can Do on InHerSight

Find a company where you will thrive


What Working Women Should Know About Women’s Equality Day

Things aren't all bad, but they're also not not bad


The Formula for Introducing Yourself in an Email—And Getting a Response

Hook ’em early


Prove It: How Detail Oriented Are You?

How to show an employer—on paper and in person—that you’ve got an eye for detail

Ask a Recruiter

Ask a Recruiter: How Do I Change Careers?

Real advice on how to land the career you want

Career Development

Is a Career Coach Worth the Cost?

How to find a coach worth the money and where you can find free coaching