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${ contributor.full_name }

${ contributor.short_bio }

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Equal Opportunities

Glass ceilings, glass cliffs, glass everywhere. Unfortunately, in our workforce, hard work doesn't always equal a fair shake. Learn what causes opportunities to break down and how we can fix that.


6 Common Myths About Equal (or Unequal) Pay

"The gender pay gap doesn't exist," he said. "It will be fine," he said.


7 Companies That Rank Highly for Partial Pay Transparency

Although they don't disclose pay completely, employees said these companies are more open about it than others

Women to Know

Meet Equal Pay Pioneer Esther Peterson

The educator, labor organizer, and women’s rights advocate who drafted the Equal Pay Act of 1963


Occupational Sorting: Does Job Choice Affect the Gender Pay Gap?

Short answer: Yes. Long answer: Read the article


3 Companies with Full Pay Transparency & Why That Matters

It's about the gender pay gap again, isn't it?


6 Badass Ways Women Have Asked for a Raise

The relatability of Michelle Obama and Meryl Streep just increased by about 1,000 percent


Self-Employed Women Face Unknown Gender Pay Gap

When you strike out on your own, you might not know men are being paid more than you. Our suggestion? Start talking

Women to Know

Meet Equal Pay Pioneer Sue Cowan Williams

Years before the civil rights movement, this Arkansas teacher fought for equal pay in Little Rock schools, despite the personal cost


What the Gender Pay Gap Means for Asian-American Women

A small pay gap does not equal advancement


How Industry & Company Culture Affect the Gender Pay Gap

Women in STEM, this one's for you


Gender-Dominated Field? Don’t Worry—Everyone Gets a Pay Gap

Whether male- or female-dominated, it's nice to know we're all in this together, right? Um...


7 Indirect Ways to Close the Gender Pay Gap

It starts before you’re even hired, and it’s almost always uncomfortable

Employer Resources

Companies: What Does & Doesn't Help Close the Gender Pay Gap

Do business better by nixing some practices and championing others

Women to Know

Meet Equal Pay Pioneer Emma Tenayuca

While fighting for better pay, she sparked a civil rights movement and championed a minimum-wage law


What 6 Companies Are Doing to Bridge the Gender Pay Gap

The four best practices we can implement right now

Women to Know

Meet Equal Pay Pioneer Winifred C. Stanley

She's the World War II-era congresswoman who pushed for equal pay decades before JFK signed the Equal Pay Act

Guides to Discrimination

Wage or Pay Discrimination: Your Rights, What You Should Know & What to Do Next

It’s illegal in the United States, but it still happens. A lot.


Google, Facebook, and Adobe Have This Edge Over the Competition

They provide women with one of the most important indicators of overall job satisfaction

Equal Opportunities

6 Times You Should Talk to Human Resources

You don’t always have to talk to HR about negative situations, but when you do, you should feel comfortable knowing you’re well within your rights

Equal Opportunities

What Recent Research on Sexism in the Economics Field Doesn’t Say

How context would shape the American Economic Association’s recent report on harassment and gender discrimination in the male-dominated field