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  1. Blog
  2. Career Development

Why You Should Rate Your Company

It doesn't take long, it's anonymous, and it's oh-so good for working women

woman working at desk
Photo courtesy of Julia M Camero

Imagine a world where absolutely everyone is in love with their job—a place where employee and company values align seamlessly, and everyone has the necessary tools to reach their full potential. No more hours wasted worrying about how you’ll finish your next huge project while caring for your 2-year-old or daydreaming about a job where your boss will actually give you that promotion. Instead, you can match with your ideal company on InHerSight.

On our platform, we use feedback from companies’ current and former employees to create rating scorecards that help us determine where a company is succeeding and where it needs improvement. Our goal is to ensure women are working in an environment that’s respectful, equal, and aligns with their career goals. Through our anonymous company ratings, we provide a space where women can feel safe to communicate with other women about how female-friendly their workplace is.

How do the anonymous ratings work?

Women can anonymously rate their past or current employers based on 18 key metrics such as flexible work hours, maternity and adoptive leave, family growth support, management opportunities for women, female representation in leadership, sense of belonging, and support for diversity.

Your feedback adds incredible value to our data and directly helps the workforce. Essentially, we’re measuring a company’s success using your stories. After all, how can a company know what to improve on if they don’t know where to begin looking for cracks?

We want you to feel empowered to rate. You, yes, you, can help change your workplace by rating it. We use these ratings to help women make smarter decisions and help companies better understand how to retain top female talent.

Can I rate more than once?

You can and should! But you have to wait. We’ll ping you six months after your first rating to see if your experience at a company has changed. Rating more than once helps us measure whether a company is changing over time. That’s important for the work we do since we partner with companies to help them increase their scores.

Is it safe to rate?

Okay, so now you get how important your feedback is. But what if you’re terrified of your boss seeing your brutally honest review and you’re scared of retribution? Don’t worry, all of the feedback you provide on the site is anonymous. Your name will never be revealed or attached to anything you write, so feel free to be as transparent as you’d like (though we do have community rules so bear that in mind). The data will speak for itself.

Your feedback not only helps yourself, but it also prospective employees. Women can peruse jobs on the site and get matched with a company that values what’s important to them—based on your review.

The power is in the collectiveness of it all: If we all rate our companies, we’re reflecting a community, not just one individual. Thousands of women have already rated companies, and their insights continue to help women understand what companies are like before they interview or accept a job offer.

When you say job matches, what do you mean?

We mean that those 18 metrics you use to rate companies can help women pinpoint what their most important values are and help them match with companies that align with those values. Your priorities will most likely change over time—that’s completely normal, and that’s why we created this rating system. Those 18 factors might even help you discover things about yourself that you didn’t know you valued before.

Let’s say you're a 20-something managing editor without kids. You probably value PTO just like everyone else, but you might also value opportunities for advancement more than a woman who’s more focused on her family. It's okay to acknowledge that and pursue companies based on what you're looking for right now. In fact, it's a smart career move.

If each of us just takes 3 minutes to rate a company, that collective data will prove immensely helpful to thousands of other job-seeking women out there, and it’ll help make our workforce a more female-friendly place to be.

Start rating your company here.

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