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  1. Blog
  2. Interviewing
  3. September 18, 2024

What is Your Superpower? How to Answer One of the Trickiest Interview Questions

Discover what makes you shine

Woman with a superpower
Photo courtesy of Prince Akachi

When you're sitting in an interview and the hiring manager asks, "What is your superpower?" It can feel like a curveball. This question isn’t just about boasting or listing off your skills; it’s about showcasing the unique value you bring to the table.

Employers aren’t trying to trip up a job candidate with this question, in fact, there’s a deeper meaning behind it. “Employers ask this question because they want to uncover what unique talents and strengths you bring to the table. They’re looking for that special something that sets you apart, your ‘secret sauce’ for success,” explains Ashley Fernandez, CEO of Ashley Marie Coaching. She also says it’s a chance for job candidates to showcase their self-awareness, confidence, and ability to make a meaningful impact in the role. 

Shavon Terrell-Camper is a mental wellness coach, mindfulness expert, and CEO of Leveraging Your Reality. She agrees with Fernandez: “One of the main reasons this question is asked is because the career workforce is changing, and we’re leaning more and more away from generalists and more into specialists. Employers want to know what you bring to the table because they already have a couple people at the table and what’s the point of duplicating efforts? The reality is we’re in a market where a lot of people are looking for jobs, and thousands are being laid off at a time, so it’s not a question of are you qualified or your resume, but it’s a question of what distinguishes you from all the others in the same field?”

As a journalist in a very saturated field that is currently dealing with a shift in the media and layoffs, I've often reflected on this question. I could go for the easy answer of being deadline driven, but that’s a given in my field, I don’t have a choice but to be. So, after years of doing interviews in front of and behind the camera, on red carpets, or virtually, I kept hearing the same comments, “you always make your guests comfortable, and it seems like you’ve been friends for years,” when I probably just met them two minutes before the actual interview! So, I've realized that my superpower lies in creating a safe and welcoming space for people to share their stories and experiences—often turning interviews into a conversation with the girl next door or your best friend over coffee. This ability not only helps me connect deeply with those I’m interviewing but it also allows for authentic and meaningful conversations that resonate with audiences. Recognizing and articulating this superpower has been instrumental in advancing my career and forging and maintaining strong professional relationships.

If you are on the job search, setting up interviews, or simply exploring your strengths, here’s how to be prepared, from figuring out what your superpower is to breaking down actionable steps to craft a compelling response to help you hopefully land the position. 

What is your superpower? Here’s how to determine it

Individuals lay claim to a variety of superpowers. However, it's important to select one you feel best represents your most marketable. Here’s a few ways to figure out where your superpower lies within you. 

1. Reflect and identify natural talents 

Start by conducting a thorough self-assessment to identify what truly makes you stand out. “If you are unsure about your superpower, reflect on your proudest achievements and the skills that enabled them. Ask yourself, ‘when do I feel most energized and in my element? What do others consistently recognize me for? Dig deep into the qualities that make you uniquely valuable,” suggests Fernandez. She suggests that once you've identified that intersection, lean all the way into it. “Don't water down your superpowers to fit some imagined ideal. Double down on what makes you distinctively valuable and show how you'll put those powers to work for their cause. Remember, they're not looking for a carbon copy of their existing team—they're looking for someone who brings something special to the table.”

Read more: 7 Types of Leadership: Strengths, Weaknesses & Discovering Your Style

2. Gather feedback

Talking to the ones that know you best is one way to figure out more about your superpower. “Ask the people around you, ‘what do you think my superpower is?’ Sometimes people are better at us than we are. You could also look at what everyone comes to you for, is it to fix things, or are you a good listener? Also talk to old coworkers because they have interacted with you and can help you with that,” says Terrell-Camper. 

3. Get to know yourself

If you can’t tap into your network, you do have the power of getting the information you need on a more personal level. “You must get into relationship with yourself to find your superpower.  To do that, it’s getting to know yourself and doing all the things that you would do to get to know another person,” says Terrell-Camper. 

Answering the question, ‘What is your superpower?’ Key elements to a successful response

Once you’ve determined what your superpower is, then it’s time to pull together your response for when an employer asks the question. 

1. Connect it to the role you are applying for

Your chosen superpower should be easily relatable to the position that you are seeking. Fernandez suggests making sure it's hyper-relevant to the role at hand. “Your superpower should be the missing puzzle piece that completes their dream hire picture. Show you've done your homework by aligning your strengths with their needs. These responses should often be focused on soft skills versus technical competency,” Fernandez adds. Also, review the job description to identify key skills and qualities, research company culture to ensure alignment, and understand the company’s mission and values and line up your superpower to that. 

Read more: How to Honestly Answer Diversity Questions During an Interview

2. Create a story

Terrell-Camper says storytelling is the backbone to relating your superpower to the job role. “It’s getting into some type of story that makes you relatable as a person. You want people that will shake their heads and show they are right with you because the reality is they have more interviews and 10 more people that are in a similar boat to you on paper.” Fernandez says your story and superpower should be backed by juicy, results-oriented examples: “Don’t just claim a superpower—prove it! Paint a vivid picture of how you've flexed this muscle to move mountains in your career.” 

Here's an example of how to connect the dots. “Imagine you're gunning for a data analyst position at a trendsetting tech startup. Your superpower? Seeing stories in the stats.” 

You could frame your response like this:

My superpower is transforming raw data into game-changing insights. In my last role, I dug deep into our user metrics and uncovered a hidden trend that helped us boost retention by 30 percent. I have a knack for seeing past the numbers and into the narratives. Data storytelling is my secret weapon for driving smart, impactful decisions.

“That response showcases a relevant strength in the context of the company's needs and includes a concrete example of your superpower in action and ties it back to bottom-line results,” Fernandez says. Be sure to root your response to the question in the company’s world, she adds, and make it clear how you will put your unique strengths to work for their mission. 

3. Be authentic

During any interview, it’s important to represent yourself professionally, but being authentic is also a key factor when answering such a tricky question. “It’s not about what you think they want to hear; it’s about owning what truly makes you exceptional. Genuineness is magnetic,” says Fernandez. “The real magic happens when you're both true to yourself and tuned into their world. That's the sweet spot for a superpower answer that wows.”

Fernandez advises that when you're crafting your own superpower examples, aim for a magical mix of authenticity, impact, and relevance. “Don't be afraid to get creative and let your personality shine through. The goal is to paint a vivid picture of how you'll use your unique strengths to make a real difference in the role.”

Read more: 22 Tips for an Easy, Breezy, Job Interview

4. Rehearse your answer 

Confidence is key when answering this question. Practice delivering your response until it feels natural. “You want to be so rehearsed that it falls out of your mouth when you are asked the question versus you having to find it and take the time to respond,” says Terrell-Camper. Pay attention to your tone, body language, and pacing. You want to come across as confident and enthusiastic about your superpower, not boastful or unsure. Fernandez has a few more tips including crafting a few variations of your response and testing them out on trusted peers, mentors, or your own reflection in the mirror. “I would also recommend recording your answer using the voice memo app on your phone so you can hear a playback and adjust as needed. Once you are happy with your answer you can then use the audio as a tool to help you master it. Know your key points but avoid memorizing a script verbatim. Infuse your answers with your unique personality and style,” Fernandez adds. 

Ultimately, the superpower question gives you the opportunity to leave a lasting impression on the employer. It’s your chance to stand out among the crowd and forge a connection with the company and the interviewer. It’s important to be your true self, and show them the value that you will distinctively bring to the role. After all, there’s only one you with your specific experiences and superpowers, so show off!

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