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10 Working Dads on the Benefits & Company Cultures That Help Them Find Balance

How their employers help them put family first

Working dad reading with his child
Photo courtesy of quokkabottles

This article is part of InHerSight's Employer Partners series. Discover companies partnering with InHerSight to better support women in the workplace.

There’s a reason that InHerSight asks people who are rating their companies on our platform whether the dads at their organization have access to sufficient parental leave and the support and encouragement to take it. Although women’s advancement at work is, of course, not centered on men, it’s affected by them—their ability to be supportive partners and co-parents, their allyship. 

When men don’t share the responsibilities of life (or don’t have the ability to do so), it’s women who pick up the slack, and juggling that overwork at home affects women’s ability to pursue their careers—not to mention keeps dads from bonding with their kids and experiencing the joys of parenthood for themselves. 

For Father’s Day, we asked men at our partner companies to share ways their employer or their team supports them as a working parent. Like our Mother’s Day article on the same topic, you’ll see here that flexibility is paramount. It’s almost like every parent, regardless of gender, wants the time and the space to watch their child grow up.

10 working dads on the benefits and company cultures that help them find balance

What he’s grateful for:
Ultimate flexibility to be at home with his son 

“As a new father who had his first child, little guy Charlie, when the pandemic just started early 2020, coming back to the office only to go fully remote later on was quite a change. At the time, living in a two-bedroom apartment in Chicago with a 3+ month old crying constantly in the other room with paper thin walls was a challenge to stay focused and work. However, in hindsight, being that close to my little guy and able to take frequent breaks during the day to see him are moments I'd never take back for anything. Moving since then and with InfoTrust's amazing flexibility on work environment, including a work-from-home stipend, allows me to work from home or in office, whatever I feel is most productive, and the hours I can manage in order to focus on my priorities in life—being a present father. As long as our deliverables are met, the team is taken care of, and there are no added stresses for any of our stakeholders both internally and externally with clients, InfoTrust provides flexibility for folks to work whenever and wherever is best. For me, that's majority at home so I can see Charlie every day for breakfast, a bit around lunch, and definitely 100 percent focused time on him for the few hours before his bedtime. And now with a second one on the way, looking forward to a three-month paternity leave will allow me to not only focus on the new little one, but continue to build those memories with Charlie in the most precious years of his life. I am eternally grateful for InfoTrust for these incredible benefits and culture of support across the entire team.”

—Amin Shawki, VP of Client Services, InfoTrust

What he’s grateful for:
A family-first mentality

“My coworkers really understand and push for the family-first mentality. I've worked in the engineering field my whole career, and this is the first place where that's been the normal, not the exception.”

—Zach Rithner, Propulsion Technician, Ursa Major

What he’s grateful for:
Sharing life outside work with his team

“Our company has a lot of young families, and we've embraced that parent life can be unpredictable. So many of our calls include a curious crawler or tenacious toddler in the background. Even as a remote team, this has allowed us to watch each other's kids grow up and celebrate those proud, precious firsts as a team.”

—Frank Valcarcel, Cofounder, Director of Operations, Cuttlesoft

What he’s grateful for:
Opportunities to connect with coworkers with shared experiences

“I am grateful for how DoorDash has treated me and the benefits it has provided. Because of DoorDash's benefits, I can afford health insurance for my daughter (my wife has a policy with her company) and myself. As for culture, I love the ERGs for both working parents and neurodivergent individuals for people like myself. Even though we're remote, it feels like there is a great support system in place despite living across the country from my team and many of my fellow DoorDash coworkers.”

—Jonathan Smith, Supply Chain Specialist for DashMart, DoorDash New Business Verticals Team

What he’s grateful for:
Benefits and flexibility that support growing families 

“Penn has been a very welcoming place for those of us who have kids. In addition to having a generous flexible time off policy and paid leave at Penn, there is an understanding across the entire team that kids and family are the priority. As a manager, I know it's important to give my team flexibility during the day for family needs, and I too have been given that flexibility, which has allowed me to be there for my kids when they need me.”

—Paul Hake, Director of Penn Game Studios, Penn Interactive Ventures

What he’s grateful for:
Generous paid parental leave 

“I'm incredibly grateful for my employer's parental leave policy—12 weeks for both new moms and dads. Last June, my wife and I welcomed our son. At the encouragement (and even insistence) of my manager, I was able to disconnect entirely from work for nearly three months and spend incredible time with my wife, 3-year-old daughter, and newborn. I'll forever be so thankful for that time, and am so grateful for my team's coverage while I was out of the office. Life-changing moments don't happen every day; find an employer that appreciates you not only as a contributor, but also a person with a full life outside of the office.”

—Chase Howell, Head of Marketing, InfoTrust

What he’s grateful for:
Generous paid parental leave 

“When my youngest daughter was born as a footling breech baby with complications, the neonatologist recommended a transfer to a class 3 NICU to support 'therapeutic hypothermia'... the stress of that time period blessedly did not include work complications—as my company generously provided parental leave for both sets of parents by design. I remain grateful and supportive of that policy for all parents of new little ones.”

—Ben Bolton, Director of Development Operations, Alley

What he’s grateful for:
Daily time with kids, even while working 

“I get to have my kids come out and eat lunch with me. I have been here six months and was able to celebrate a birthday in the office with my 3 year old. He knows the people I work with and is excited to see them. 

—Caleb Mackoy, Test Operator, Ursa Major

What he’s grateful for:
Flexibility to watch his kids grow up

“As a working parent, I am grateful to be a part of the Penn family. My role with Absolute studios allows me the flexibility to attend my children's performances, games, and school functions. My children are growing so fast, and being around to witness the memories and milestones is a true pleasure. Daily, I hear them practicing piano and that wonderful sound calms me and reminds me of how truly wonderful our lives are.”

—Chris Noll, RMG Graphic Design, Penn Interactive Ventures

What he’s grateful for:
A company that lives its values 

“Volley has always been supportive of me as a parent. When I joined the company, I was the only person in our small company of five or so with a young child at home. Even though others were not having the same home life experience, folks were gracious and considerate of my obligations. Now being a parent of three and our company growing to over 50 employees, that consideration has continued and expanded. It’s one thing to say your company supports working parents, it’s another to demonstrate it every day, checking in and seeing how people are doing, especially in such crazy times.”

—Riyadh Drebika, Director of User Experience, Volley

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