Allyship is an action. In fact, if we were to rework language, the word “allyship” would be a verb because it’s all about doing, and the existing verbs don’t quite cut it: defend, stand up for, advocate, champion, sponsor. These words fall under the umbrella of allyship, but they don’t embody the entire definition, which is a mixture of advocacy, bravery, humility, and a keen desire to learn about the experiences of others. In the workplace, allyship means a constant state of listening to your marginalized peers and supporting efforts to help them meet the right people, amplify their voices, and grow their careers.
For InHerSight’s Allies Among Us campaign, we asked our employer partners to share stories of the allies in their workplaces. These everyday advocates know what it means to take action for allyship—even if the verb doesn’t exist. Flip through each slideshow to read more about the nominees.