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  1. Blog
  2. Salary
  3. February 2, 2024

Can You Negotiate Your Salary After Accepting a Job Offer?

Plus, two sample email templates

woman negotiating her salary after accepting a job offer
Photo courtesy of Mikhail Nilov

Securing a job offer is undeniably a significant achievement, but the journey doesn't end there. Many job seekers often wonder if they can negotiate—or renegotiate—their salary after accepting an offer. The short answer is yes, it's possible, but there are crucial factors to consider. This article will explore the importance of negotiating your salary, when to initiate negotiations, and provide valuable tips for successful negotiations. We'll also dive into how to effectively and politely negotiate your salary after accepting the job offer.

Read more: Can You Lose a Job Offer By Negotiating Salary?

Why is it important to negotiate your salary?

Negotiating your salary is a crucial aspect of the job hunting process, as it can have a lasting impact on your financial wellbeing and professional satisfaction. Here are a few reasons why salary negotiation is essential:

  • Fair compensation: Negotiating your salary ensures that you are fairly compensated for your skills, experience, and the value you bring to the organization. It is an opportunity to align your salary with industry standards and the responsibilities of the role.

  • Career trajectory: Your starting salary can influence your future earning potential. A higher initial salary sets a foundation for future raises and promotions, as many companies base subsequent increases on a percentage of your current pay.

  • Job satisfaction: Being satisfied with your salary is a crucial component of overall job satisfaction. Feeling adequately compensated can positively impact your motivation, engagement, and commitment to the job.

  • Professional worth: Negotiating your salary demonstrates your confidence and understanding of your professional worth. It sends a message to employers that you value your skills and contributions, setting a positive tone for your relationship with the company.

Read more: Salary Negotiation Strategies & Tips to Get Paid What You’re Worth

When should you negotiate your salary?

The timing of salary negotiations is pivotal to their success. While many might assume that negotiations occur solely at the offer stage, it's beneficial to start thinking about it during the interview process. 

During the interview stage, research industry salary benchmarks for the position you are applying for. When the interviewer asks about your salary expectations, provide a range based on your research. This opens the door for discussion and sets the expectation that salary is a negotiable aspect for you.

Once you’ve received a job offer, this is the primary window for negotiating your salary. Express gratitude for the offer, and if the salary is not in line with your expectations, consider making a counteroffer. Employers generally expect some negotiation, and it's an accepted part of the process.

Read more: Insider Advice: 11 Experts Share Tips on Discussing Your Salary Expectations

4 tips for confidently negotiating your salary

Negotiating your salary requires a thoughtful approach. Here are some tips to enhance your negotiation skills:

1. Research and prepare: Arm yourself with information about the industry standard for the role, taking into account factors such as experience, location, and company size. This knowledge provides a solid foundation for your negotiation. Market rate, which represents the average salary offered by other employers for comparable positions, serves as a key determinant in establishing salaries. 

2. Know your value: Understand your unique skills, experiences, and qualifications that make you an asset to the organization. Be prepared to articulate how your contributions will benefit the company. Avoid pardoning yourself, or saying ‘sorry’ during the negotiation, because that signals you don’t really believe you deserve the money you’re asking for. 

3. Be professional: Approach negotiations with a positive and professional demeanor. Take your time when speaking and pause to hear their answer. Remember, it's a collaborative process aimed at finding a mutually beneficial arrangement.

4. Consider the entire package: Salary is just one component of the compensation package. Consider other perks, such as bonuses, benefits, flexible work arrangements, and professional development opportunities, when evaluating an offer.

Read more: 10 Salary Negotiation Conversation Example Scripts That Exude Confidence

Can you negotiate your salary after accepting a job offer?

The common belief is that once you accept a job offer, negotiations are finalized. You might find yourself wondering, however, “Can I negotiate my salary after accepting a job offer?” In certain circumstances and scenarios, it is possible to revisit the discussion of negotiating your salary after accepting the job offer.

If, after accepting the offer, you discover that the job responsibilities are significantly different from what was initially communicated, it may warrant a conversation about compensation adjustments. Economic conditions, industry trends, or internal changes within the company may also provide grounds for revisiting your salary. If the company is thriving, it might be more receptive to salary adjustments. Finally, if you discover new information about the role along with the job offer, you may want to renegotiate. For example, if regular travel is required for the role, you might need a higher salary.

If you do find yourself in a position where renegotiating your salary after accepting a job offer is necessary, here are some tips:

  • Renegotiate within the first 24 hours. Once you accept an offer, most companies move quickly to finalize the hiring process so you can get started.

  • Be honest and transparent. Clearly communicate the reasons for your request, focusing on changes in circumstances or new information that has come to light.

  • Emphasize both your value and interest. Reinforce your commitment to the role and the value you bring to the organization. Highlight any additional skills or experiences you've acquired since the initial negotiation. Let them know you want to make sure you’re satisfied before stepping into the role because you’re planning to be with the company for a while. 

  • Be flexible. Demonstrate a willingness to find a compromise. This could involve considering non-monetary perks or a gradual increase over time. Your employer might grant your request at the expense of something else, like taking away your hybrid work schedule in exchange for the increased salary)

Email templates for negotiating your salary after accepting the job offer

Template #1

Dear (hiring manager's name),

Thank you for the opportunity to join (company name). Since initially accepting the job offer that came with a salary of $75,000, I have had some time to further research the position, and some new information has come to light about what is required for the role. 

While I remain very interested in the position and am still ready to start at the same time we initially agreed upon, I would like to renegotiate the salary at a range of $80,000 to $85,000. Do you believe this would be a suitable range that we can finalize?

I’m open to discussing this further and finding a solution that works for both of us. Additionally, I am willing to consider other aspects of the compensation package to reach a fair and satisfactory agreement. Thank you for your understanding and consideration.


(Your name)

Template #2

Dear (hiring manager's name),

I’m grateful for the opportunity to be a part of (company name), and I’m eagerly anticipating my start date on (date).

Upon further reflection and considering the responsibilities associated with the position, I have been prompted to revisit the initial terms of the job offer. After reviewing the role expectations more comprehensively, I believe that an adjustment in the salary would better align with the expectations and demands of the position.

I propose a revised salary range of $90,000 to $95,000. I’m committed to contributing my utmost to the success of the team and the company, and I believe this adjustment will ensure a mutually beneficial working relationship. I’m happy to address any concerns or questions you may have regarding this proposal. 

Thanks for your understanding and consideration of this matter, and I look forward to arriving at a solution that aligns with the interests of both of us.


(Your name)

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