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${ getCommunityPostText(community_post) }


${ contributor.full_name }

${ contributor.short_bio }

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Culture & Professionalism

Find inspiration in these easy-to-use guides aimed at helping you put your best foot forward in the way that's most authentic to you.

Culture & Professionalism

Ending the Hostile Work Environment

Be an agent for change—end the cycle of workplace abuse

Culture & Professionalism

25 Best Jobs for Moms, As Rated by Working Moms (2022)

These roles bring flexibility and job satisfaction

Culture & Professionalism

How to Identify and Combat Favoritism at Work

Boss playing favorites? Here’s how to identify the signs and what to do about it.


For New Moms, To Quit or Not to Quit is in Question

Finding a balance as a working moms is hard. So hard that sometimes if feels like you don’t have options, but you do

Culture & Professionalism

Adoption & the Office: How to Talk About—and Celebrate—It

All new parents need support and flexibility

Culture & Professionalism

The 6 Pillars of Professionalism in the Workplace

Stand out from the crowd


CEO of Winnie: How I Pumped At Work

The first time was a bust, but Sara Mauskopf made it work when she had her second child

Culture & Professionalism

How to Handle Brown-Nosing & the Rise of Ingratiation

Dealing with the office suck-up


For Some, Delaying Motherhood is a Savvy Career Choice

Late motherhood has a positive impact on quality of life, but the decision of when to become a mother still rests with you


10 Gift Ideas for Working Moms

Sure, that Mother's Day card with a bicycle on it seems appropriate enough, but have you thought about, maybe, child care??

Culture & Professionalism

What to Say to a Lazy Coworker Who’s Bringing You Down

Words that can actually help solve the problem

Culture & Professionalism

What to Say When You Encounter Nepotism at Work

When they go low, you go high


How Industry & Company Culture Affect the Gender Pay Gap

Women in STEM, this one's for you

Culture & Professionalism

How to Give Two-Weeks Notice (with Examples)

Plus, what to do if your employer counter-offers

Equal Opportunities

6 Times You Should Talk to Human Resources

You don’t always have to talk to HR about negative situations, but when you do, you should feel comfortable knowing you’re well within your rights

Equal Opportunities

What Recent Research on Sexism in the Economics Field Doesn’t Say

How context would shape the American Economic Association’s recent report on harassment and gender discrimination in the male-dominated field

Culture & Professionalism

Too Much of a Good Thing: the Pressures of Company Culture

You don’t have to stay late and say “yes” all the time. Here’s how.

Culture & Professionalism

How to Quit Your Job and Stay on Good Terms

Give notice and still get a reference with this helpful guide


How to Use Your Network Without Being Annoying

The dos and don'ts of following up with a new contact

Culture & Professionalism

10 Safe Gift Ideas for the Office Gift Swap

It’s all fun and games until someone makes it weird.