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Be the first to rate this company   Not rated   ${ company.score } stars     ${ company.industry}     ${ company.headquarters}


${ getArticleTitle(article) }


${ tag.display_name }


${ getCommunityPostText(community_post) }


${ contributor.full_name }

${ contributor.short_bio }

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Culture & Professionalism

Find inspiration in these easy-to-use guides aimed at helping you put your best foot forward in the way that's most authentic to you.

Culture & Professionalism

10 Unique Gifts to Buy for the Ladies in Your Life This Holiday Season

You'll feel as good buying these as you will gifting them

Culture & Professionalism

To Drink or Not to Drink: How to Handle Alcohol at Work

The percent of women who refuse to drink at work might surprise you

Culture & Professionalism

Mean Girls in the Workplace

It’s all fun and games… wait, no it’s not.

Culture & Professionalism

8 Tips to Help You Navigate the Thanksgiving Dinner Conversation

Here’s the recipe you need for a peaceful holiday meal.

Culture & Professionalism

A Guide to Gossiping Well

How to live out Natalie Portman's golden rule and topple the patriarchy one rumor at a time

Culture & Professionalism

Affirm Confirms: People Really Do Come First

How this company's workplace culture improves business for all

Culture & Professionalism

When Womanhood Means Constantly Looking Over Your Shoulder

Even on vacation, we have to keep our guards up.

Culture & Professionalism

5 Alternatives to the Same Old Coffee Meeting

Skip the coffee. Take your next business meeting to the ice cream parlor instead.

Culture & Professionalism

I Asked Some Women If They’ve Ever Cried at Work. Here’s What I Learned

More have done it than you think, and fewer judge than you might expect


Infographic: There's No Crying at Work! Or Is There?

New findings about how women feel about crying in the office

Culture & Professionalism

Why You Need to Ditch Your Cell Phone at Work

Can’t live without them, can’t live with them

Culture & Professionalism

Uber Lawsuits Reveal Sexism in the Startup World

Disruptive? Sure. Progressive? Not so much.

Culture & Professionalism

This 175-Year-Old Company Is Anything but Old-Fashioned

Brunswick Corporation strives to create an environment that encourages innovation and helps employees achieve their full potential

Culture & Professionalism

Are Female Characters Flat in Classic Novels? A New Study Says Yes

A new IBM study finds gender bias in Man Booker Prize book shortlists

Culture & Professionalism

Deep Dive: What We Can Learn From FEMA’s Sexual Harassment Crisis

Disturbing allegations, harassment in #MeToo, and what to do if you’re being harassed at work

Culture & Professionalism

4 Things to Consider Before Canoodling with a Coworker

“The Office” made work relationships look so easy

Culture & Professionalism

The Power of a Signature Style

Owning the way you look parallels the way you own your position in the workplace


How to Tell the Boss You’re Expecting

A step-by-step guide to the big reveal

Culture & Professionalism

31 Reasons Why Women Want to Leave Their Jobs

Thousands of women are yearning for a new career experience, and they’ve shared why that's the case

Culture & Professionalism

38 Reductress Headlines That Are Too Real For Working Women

We can't believe they're satire